Педагогическая психология лекции кратко. Педагогическая психология: конспект лекций. Личностно-деятельностный подход в образовательном процессе

T ест № 4

Грамматика и лексика.

пропуски полученными словами .

A Weekend Getaway

On Friday, Brett(1)_______(decide) that it would be nice to go camping with his best friend James to Toad Island for weekend. Ye went over to James’ house. James (2)_____(play) football with his brother. “Hey, James! Would you like to go camping tomorrow? The weather(3)_____(be) good!” shouted Brett. “I would love to. What time(4)______(think) you of leaving?’ asked Brett. “Oh, I don’t know. What about 6.30 am?” answered Brett. “Wow! That’s early! Let me ask my parents. I (5)_____(call) you,” said James. James told his mum about the camping trip. “I’m afraid you can’t go. We (6)______(buy) tickets to go to Shortland Safari Park for the weekend,’ replied his mum. “Well, can I invite Brett along? I’m sure he (7)_____(love) to come,” James asked. “Sure, ask him along. Tell him to be here by 10 am,” said his mum. “A more civilized time,” said James as he walked towards the phone.

пропуски полученными словами .

Cycling Across the Ocean

‘The Subhuman Project’ is one man’s dream to cycle 3,700 kilometres just below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean in a pedal-power submarine. The man is Ted Ciamillo, an engineer, (8)_____(invent) and entrepreneur, who says that he hopes to make the journey in just fifty days. Ciamillo will pedal two metres below the ocean surface for 6 hours each day. He will breathe through a(n)(9)______(special) designed snorkel or, for deeper dives, through a scuba system. At night, he will come up to the surface and sleep in a tent erected on top of the submarine. (10)______(power) cameras mounted on the submarine will record everything from huge whales to tiny plankton. They will even capture(11)_______(pollute) such as floating rubbish. Naturally, marine biologists are excited by the large amount of data Ciamillo could gather for them on his(12)______(cross). Once a day, Ciamillo, will meet with a support boat that will follow him for his entire journey to replace dead batteries, air cylinders and other (13)_____(equip).

номер выбранного вами варианта ответ .

The Best Season

Most people say they prefer spring to summer, but early autumn is the time when I most want to be in England. Surprisingly, the weather is often better in September and October than it is in the(14)______of summer. This is really the time to get out and enjoy the beauty of the English countryside. Already the children have(15)_____to school and, with fewer people looking(16)____hotel room, accommodation is a lot less(17)______than in the summer season. At this time of the year, you will find that the English woods and forests are breathtakingly beautiful. Few things are more enjoyable than(18)_____slowly through an English wood on a sunny morning in early autumn, walking(19)____a crisp carpet of falling orange, gold and brown leaves in the still, cool air. The world seems at(20)_____when the weather is like this and I always feel relaxed in a golden English wood in autumn.

14. a)close b)middle c)period d)time

15. a)returned b)departed c)attended d)left

16. a)at b)for c)from d)to

17. a)wealthy b)valuable c)rich d)expensive

18. a)striding b)marching c)strolling d)racing

19. a)across b)by c)through d)away

20. a)calm b)peace c)comfort d)happiness

Тест № 5

Грамматика и лексика.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные в скобках, обозначенных номерами1-7, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными слова .

School Exchange Programme

After(1)_____(spend) three fun-filled months in the Republic of Cameroon teaching English, Jane and Sue were on a plane back to England. While in Cameroon, they had decided that when they got back to London, they(2)_____(organise) a series of events to raised money for the school they(3)_____(teach) at. “Steph, what about organising a sponsored fancy-dress run? We could ask parents to dress up in funny outfits and compete against their children,” said Sue. “That’s a great idea. What else could we do?’ asked Jane. “What about a barbecue? My dad(4)______(promise) to have one for ages. We could ask him to hold it after the walk,” said Sue. “Perfect!” exclaimed Jane. “Another thing we could do is have a summer ball.” “Hmm, that might be a bit difficult to organise. Let me think about it and I (5)____(call) you in a few days to talk about it more. I’ll know if we can go ahead with my barbecue idea because I (6)______(speak) to my dad by then!” Sue added. “Great1 Hey, look-I think we(7)_____(land) soon!” Jane replied. “Home sweet home!”

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные в скобках, обозначенных номерами 8-13, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами .


Starlings are small to medium-sized birds native to Europe, Asia, Africa and Pacific. Their feathers are generally dark and(8)______(shine) and they usually nest in holes, laying blue or white eggs. Starlings are highly sociable animals, flying in flocks of up to one million birds. (9)____(natural), flocks of this size are a very eye-catching sight in the sky. The shape of a starling flock is usually(10)____(circle), but it constantly expands, contracts and changes from. Interestingly, flocks move without(11)____(guide) from any sort of ‘leader’ bird. Single males build nests to attract single females. They decorate their nests with flower and green vegetation and sing during the(12)_____(construct) of them. Starlings can produce a wide range of sounds-from beautiful songs to mechanical-sounding chirps. Starlings are also very good mimics. In(13)____(captive), they can learn to reproduce many types of speech and sounds.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст с пропусками, обозначенных номерами 14-20, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответ .

A Mystery Solved

She knew something was wrong the moment she(14)_____ the room. It wasn’t as if anything was missing or out of(15)___, but something was definitely not as it should be. She stopped and looked(16)____again, this time more carefully. The cat was lying curled into a ball in front of the fire, gently sleeping. Nothing unusual about that. Puzzled, she sat in her(17)____chair by the fire and took a small sip of the coffee she had brought from the kitchen, absent-mindedly rubbing the cat with her foot as she did so. It yawned, stretched, and then(18)____asleep again. Suddenly, she froze, her coffee halfway to her mouth. She had realised something when the cat had yawned and stretched. Normally, when it woke up and saw her in the room, it would start(19)____to be fed. Her eyes went to the tank in the corner which had been home to her three pet fish for the past five months. It was(20)____empty.

14. a)entered b)arrived c)touched d)joined

15. a)situation b)order c)place d)site

16. a)around b)over c)through d)away

17. a)common b)usual c)standard d)typical

18. a)slipped b)let c)fell d)went

19. a)insisting b)demanding c)calling d)inquiring

20. a)fully b)generally c)awfully d)completely

Тест № 6

Грамматика и лексика.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные в скобках, обозначенных номерами1-7, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными слова .

The Telephone Call

She sat at the chair, just(1)____(stare) at the telephone. Would you call her? He had promised to, and he had seemed like sort of person who would keep his promises, but you never knew. Already it(2)___(be) eleven o’clock in the morning and the phone hadn’t rung. She knew that it(3_____(work) because she had picked it up several times to check. She began to get impatient. He had been so nice to her when they had met in the library,(4)_____(help) to fine the book she needed for her research. Usually she(5)_____(not give) her telephone number to people she had just met, but she had felt certain that she was doing the right thing in this case. Twelve o’clock. Still silence. She(6)_____(wait) for over four hours now. Angrily, she stood up, put on her coat and left the flat, slamming the door behind her. As she got out of the lift on the ground floor thr telephone in her flat(7)____(begin) to ring. She did not hear it.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные в скобках, обозначенных номерами 8-13, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами .

The City of Bath

Bath, a World Heritage Site, is located in the country of Somerset. It is one of the most beautiful cities in England and very popular with(8)______(tour). Because Bath is not a very city, in summer it often seems that there are more visitors than(9)_____(reside). What do all these people come to look at? Well, many of them want to see the Roman Baths where hot water(10)_____(constant) bubbles from the Earth. Some come to visit the museums. But most are drawn to Bath because of its superb 18 th -and 19 th - century architecture. Over the centuries, many of England’s best architects have been employed to develop Bath, which is why it is such a(11)_____(charm) city. It has magnificent squares, terraces and churches and most of the(12)____(build) are made from a lovely, golden-coloured stone. But of course, there is a lot more to Bath than just history! Bath has a fantastic nightlife, and no one should miss shopping for local bargains in its(13)_____(crowd) but magnificent shopping centres.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст с пропусками, обозначенных номерами 14-20, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответ .

The Siberian Tiger

Last year I had decided to visit Russia; it would be the holiday of a lifetime and the(14)____to see some of Russia’s wildlife. I particularly wanted to see the beautiful Siberian tiger, which is the largest of all the tiger species. I spent my first week in St Petersburg and then flew to Eastern Russia for my five-day wilderness(15)_____. My guide was very experienced and knew the area well; he worked for the Wildlife Conservation Society on the Siberian Tiger project. He told me that tiger always live(16)___in uninhabited forests and tent to avoid humans, so finding a tiger would be difficult. However, I was not going to be put off by this information; I was determined to find this beautiful animal before my holiday ended. One afternoon while we were walking in the forest, my guide suddenly stopped and bent down to(17)____something. He pointed out some fresh claw marks on a tree and said that there was(18)____a tiger somewhere in the area. We(19)____walking and then after a few minutes my guide suddenly stopped; hidden among the bushes and trees we caught a(20)____of a Siberian tiger. I took my camera out of my bag, aimed and took the picture of a lifetime!

14. a)occasion b)time c)chance d)possibility

15. a)voyage b)trip c)travel d)outing

16. a)single b)lonely c)solo d)alone

17. a)research b)spot c)test d)examine

18. a)probably b)reasonably c)normally d)particularly

19. a)fell back b)took off c)carried on d)went forward

20. a)sight b)glimpse c)glance d)look

T ест № 7

Грамматика и лексика.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные в скобках, обозначенных номерами1-7, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными слова .

A Car for the Future

The idea of a car powered by electricity is not new. Several years cars(1)_____(build) to run on batteries, but they had a limited range and the discovery of oil fields in Texas which could provide cheap fuel meant that these cars(2)______(not remain) popular for long. Now, with people(3)______(become) more concerned about the environment, interest in electric-powered cars(4)_______(increase) once again. The designers of the new cars use the latest technology to make them as efficient as possible and the batteries used to power the cars are very different to those(5)______(find) in the early cars. For more than a year now, one company(6)______(sell) an electric sport car which can travel over 300 km before the battery needs to be recharged. Until now, the car has only been sold in North America, but the company hopes that the car(7)_____(be) available in Europe in the near future. There is only one problem; it costs more than 100,000 dollars to buy.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные в скобках, обозначенных номерами 8-13, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами .

Guide to Good Chocolate

Like many processed food products, the quality of chocolate can vary a lot. There is both high-quality and poor-quality chocolate, and it is (8)______(help) to know which is which when buying it. Good quality chocolate shouldn’t contain any e-numbers, hydrogenated fats, or artificial preservatives. You should be able to smell it when you (9)_____(wrap) it. If you can’t smell anything, the chocolate probably won’t taste good. The (10)_____(appear) of high-quality chocolate is important. There are no cracks or air pockets in the chocolate and it is evenly coloured. Also, good chocolate feels silky, not (11)______(stick), and when a piece is broken off the bar, it snaps away cleanly. The taste buds for ‘sweet’ flavours are located near the front of the tongue and this is where you should start tasting a piece of chocolate. Good chocolate is smooth and starts to melt on the tongue (12)_______(instant). The taste remains in your mouth for several minutes. Some (13)_______(manufacture)replace cocoa butter with vegetable fat in order to cut costs. Apart from tasting terrible, chocolate made without cocoa butter is not real chocolate!

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст с пропусками, обозначенных номерами 14-20, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответ .

Teenage Crisis

Mary was a good student. She had always liked school and her teachers were very (14)____of her. They were sure that she would have no problem (15)_____ the university entrance examination at the end of the year and that she would go on to become an excellent doctor. But then she changed. She started going to school late and giving all kinds of (16)______for not doing her homework. When she was asked why she always late, she (17)_____ to say anything at all, so Mary’s worried teachers called her parents to try to find out what was (18)_____. Here parents were shocked when they heard what their daughter’s teachers had to say. Apparently, Mary had been leaving home to go to school at the same time as she always had done, and she had been (19)_____all her time in the evening in her room studying, or so they thought. They had to (20)_____what was going on-quickly.

14. a)pleased b)happy c)proud d)satisfied

15. a)writing b)making c)passing d)achieving

16. a)remarks b) apologies c)excuses d)suggestions

17. a)denied b)refused c)disagreed d)rejected

18. a)problem b)wrong c)incorrect d)bad

19. a)using b) sitting c) taking d)spending

20. a)find out b)see to c)look over d)check up

Тест № 8

Грамматика и лексика.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные в скобках, обозначенных номерами1-7, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами .

The Channel Tunnel

For nearly two hundred years before it became a reality, people (1)______(talk) about building a tunnel under the sea to link England and France. Digging did actually start at the end of the 19 th century, but the work was soon stopped because politicians were afraid that such a tunnel could (2)______(use) by armies to attack England. Despite all the difficulties and fears, a railway tunnel (3)_____(connect) the two countries was finally completed in 1994. Since then, thousands of people (4)_____(make) the journey under the English Channel seabed from the centre of Paris to the centre of London. The trains travelling between England and France not only (5)______(carry) people, but vehicles, too. Special trains are used to carry cars and lorries between stations, which (6)_____(put) near the coast at both ends of the tunnel. So you can now take your car from one country to the other a lot faster than by ferry. Recently, second and third phrases of the Channel tunnel (7)______(build) with intermediate stations and faster trains.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные в скобках, обозначенных номерами 8-13, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами .

Owl Sanctuary

The Suffolk Owl Sanctuary in East Anglia, England, is a wonderful place to watch, study or (8)______(simple) enjoy the company of owls. There are over sixty owls at the sanctuary and they are all housed in spacious cages. The sanctuary organizes many fun events throughout the year, and there are also flying (9)_____(demonstrate) each day. There are also an information centre about owls at the sanctuary, an owl hospital, picnic areas, and plenty of (10)_____(active) for children, including a play area and mini-maze. Many sick and injured owls are brought to the sanctuary every year for (11)______(treat) . Some require an overnight ‘pick-me-up’ and can be released back into the wild very quickly, but owls that are more seriously hurt are treated at the sanctuary’s owl hospital. In (12)______(add)to caring for hurt owls, the sanctuary also runs a nest box scheme. This is the placing of man-made nest boxes in trees in suitable (13)______(locate) for owls to use. The sanctuary is supported entirely by entrance fees and voluntary donations from members of the public.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст с пропусками, обозначенных номерами 14-20, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответ .

A Meeting at Night

It was dark and raining hard when I first saw it and even now I’m not sure what it was that made me (14)_____ it. I had been driving a long time without stopping for a rest because I had to get to the port to (15)____ the last ferry to the island. I hadn’t wanted to sleep in the car in such bad weather, so I had kept driving. And there it was, running (16)_____ the car with long, easy strides. It didn’t look at me at all; its eyes were fixed firmly on the road (17)_____as it ran. I don’t know how long it had been there, but it didn’t seem at all tired. I wanted to stop the car to see what would happen, but I was afraid of (18)_____the ferry, so I kept going and tried to ignore it. Surely it would get tired soon and lose me. I was wrong. When I (19)____at the port twenty minutes later it was still there. It was sitting and (20)_____ at me hopefully with bright black eyes. I still have that dog. I call him Sprinter.

14. a)remark b)look c)notice d)catch

15. a)carry b)catch c)hold d)travel

16. a)beside b) along c)next d)across

17. a)forward b)before c)ahead d)towards

18. a)losing b)avoiding c)escaping d)missing

19. a)arrived b) came c) reached d)entered

20. a)glancing b)watching c)staring d)seeing

Test 1: 1-had been coming, 2-looking,3-were washed, 4-didn’t enjoy,5- began,6- had spent, 7-didn’t want; 8-mysterious, 9-visitors,10-famous, 11-really12-movement, 13-existence; 14-reached, 15-worthless, 16-regularly, 17-telling, 18- come across, 19- falling, 20- attracted

Test 2: 1- didn’t know, 2- walking, 3- was thinking, 4-had written, 5- have begun, 6- laughed, 7-will have, 8- scientist,9- education,10- remarkable, 11- beginning, `12- understanding, 13- discovery, 14- instead, 15- idea, 16- true, 17- side, 18- do, 19- of, 20- personal.

Test 3: 1- living, 2- thought, 3- looks, 4- have been created, 5- is run, 6- haven’t been, 7- will see, 8- appearance, 9- impatient, 10- intentions, 11- faithful, 12- eventually, 13- original, 14- pick, 15- past, 16- collection, 17- earning, 18- filled, 19- up with, 20- after.

Test 4: 1- decided, 2- was playing, 3- is going to be, 4- are you thinking, 5- will call, 6- have bought, 7- would love, 8- inventor, 9- specially, 10- powerful, 11- pollution, 12- crossing, 13- equipment, 14- middle, 15- returned, 16- for, 17- expensive, 18- strolling, 19- across, 20- peace.

Test 5: spending, 2- would organized, 3- had been teaching/were teaching, 4- has been promising,5- will call, 6- will have spoken, 7- are going to land, 8- shiny, 9- naturally, 10- circular, 11- guidance, 12- construction, 13- captivity, 14- entered, 15- place, 16- around, 17- usual, 18- fell, 19- demanding, 20- completely.

Test 6: staring, 2- was, 3- was working, 4- helping, 5- didn’t give, 6- had been waiting, 7- began, 8- tourists, 9- residents, 10- constantly, 11- charming, 12- buildings, 13- crowded, 14- chance, 15- trip, 16- alone, 17- examine, 18- probably, 19- carried on, 20- glimpse.

Test 7:were built , 2- didn’t remain, 3- becoming, 4- is increasing/has increased, 5- found, 6- has been selling, 7- will be, 8- helpful, 9- unwrap, 10- appearance, 11- sticky, 12- instantly, 13- manufacturers, 14- proud, 15- passing, 16- excuses, 17- refused 18- wrong, 19- spending, 20- found out.

Test 8: had been talking, 2- be used, 3- connecting, 4- has made, 5- carry, 6- have been put, 7- have been built, 8- simply, 9- demonstrations, 10- activities, 11- treatment 12- addition 13- locations, 14- notice, 15- catch, 16- beside, 17- ahead, 18- missing, 19- arrived, 20- staring.

Что следут учитывать при выполнении заданий В11 – В16 (Словообразование)?

При выполнении данного задания проверяются навыки словообразования – знание состава слова и основного способа словообразования — аффиксации , т.е. образования слов при помощи приставок и суффиксов.

  • Прочитав предложение, переведите его на русский язык и определите, какая часть речи пропущена . Это может быть имя существительное, глагол, отглагольные формы ( , причастие), имя прилагательное, наречие, местоимение, числительное. Например, если это существительное, то перед пропуском может стоять артикль или артикль или прилагательное, если это наречие, то оно, как правило, стоит после глагола и т.д.
  • Определите, имеет ли слово отрицательное или положительное значение . В случае отрицательного значения вам нужно подобрать соответствующую этомк слову отрицательную приставку или суффикс.
  • Далее необходимо изменить слово, стоящее справа и соответствующее пропуску, в нужную форму. Например, в предложении «It was a large-scale, programme-controlled machine which could make a very complex _____. CALCULATE » пропущенное слово – имя существительное, так как перед пропуском стоит прилагательное с артиклем. Неопределенный артикль указывает на то, что пропущенное слово – имя существительное в единственном числе – « calculation » .
  • Выполнив задания, прочитайте весь текст еще раз, чтобы убедиться в правильности образованных форм. Перенесите свои ответы в Бланк ответов.

Возьмите на заметку!!!

Для подготовки к выполнению заданий В11-В16 повторите приставки и суффиксы, которые используются для образования различных частей речи. Можно воспользоваться следующими ресурсами:

Обязательно выполните упражнения на правила словообразования в вашем школьном учебнике. Также можно воспользоваться онлайн ресурсами:

Какова стратегия выполнения заданий А22 –А28 (повышенный уровень)?

Задания А22-А28 относятся к заданиям повышенного уровня. При их выполнении проверяется знание лексики английского языка, при этом акцент делается на сочетаемости слов . Вам предлагается текст с пропусками; для каждого пропущенного слова представлен множественный выбор из четырех лексических единиц .

  • Прочитайте весь текст , чтобы понять его общее содержание. Посмотрите на варианты слов для заполнения пропуска.

Например, для предложения « She was too excited to do any _______ that morning » вам предложены следующие слова: А) homework ; Б) household ; В) housework ; Г) housewife . Сразу же исключаем варианты Б) и Г) : household – домочадцы, дом, хозяйство; housewife – домашняя хозяйство . Чтобы выбрать правильный вариант из двух оставшихся, нужно знать значение слов: А) homework и В) housework . Homework – домашнее задание, уроки, домашняя работа. Housework – работа по дому, работа по хозяйству. Следовательно, правильный вариант — housework : Она была слишком взволнована, чтобы заниматься какими-либо домашними делами .

  • После выполнения заданий перенесите ответы в Бланк ответов.

Возьмите на заметку!!!

Конечно, для выполнения заданий повышенной сложности нужно обладать хорошим словарным запасом . Нужно знать лексическую сочетаемость слов.

Для успешного выполнения заданий повышенной сложности следует повторить разделы школьного учебника, в которых представлена тематическая лексика, фразовые глаголы, устойчивые словосочетания, предложные фразы. Необходимо практиковаться в выполнении упражнений с множественным выбором. Для этого также можно обратиться к интернет-ресурсам:

Вам также следует иметь хорошие орфографические навыки. Помните, что если допущена орфографическая ошибка, то вариант ответа не засчитывается. Каким образом научиться писать без орфографических ошибок? Самый лучший способ — писать диктанты. Например, вы можете выучить наизусть фрагмент текста из учебника английского языка, после чего воспроизведите его в письменной форме, проговаривая его вслух. Написанный текст сверьте с оригиналом.

Задания В4-В10

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В4 - В10, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В4 - В10.

In the morning the colonists took food and weapons and started along the beach toward the south. It was not necessary for one of them to stay behind. Since the arrival of the big box the day before they B4 no difficulty in lighting a fire.
Not very far from the rock house there were some forest trees, and then a high wall of rock B5 straight up to a height of about fifty metres. On the other side of it there was a big lake. "Let"s go and see where the water goes out of the lake," said Jack.
They went round the end of the rock wall. It was a very difficult journey, but at last they came to the side of the lake. The boys tried B6 fish in the lake, but there seemed to be very few.
Jack B7 the way.
They heard the noise of B8 water.
It grew B9 . Suddenly they came to an opening in the trees. In front of them was a river flowing out of the lake almost to the rock wall.
A big hole B10 in the wall, about ten metres above the place where they were standing.


Задания B11-B16

Рекомендуемое время выполнения задания - 10 минут.
Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11-В16, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11-В16.

The entrance to the Rother Valley Country Park is on the right B11 after you leave the tiny village of Wales.
For the local people this new park is a B12 area of open space, where a lot of leisure activities are provided, including canoeing, rowing, sailing, sail boarding, grass-skiing and riding.
For the motorized passer-by there are walks and picnic B13 .
This area is becoming B14 popular. There is also a visitor centre at Bed Greave Mill, where there is working machinery and a cafe. But don"t expect too much in the way of good scenery.
The area was for long a mess of old coal mines and an B15 railway line.
More recently an ambitious and continuing special programme has converted the former mines to lakes.
The displays in the B16 visitor centre explain how grass and wetland for wildlife are being established.


Задания А22 - А28

Рекомендуемое время выполнения задания - 20 минут.
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22 - А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22 - А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

An odd thing has happened when it comes to food. Even though having the best, freshest, most wholesome food possible is one of the most significant considerations of daily life, frequently food does not receive the attention it A22 _______ . Because of vested commercial interests, greed, convenience and apathy, misinformation about food has made far too many people feel A23 _______ about it, believing that anything they can swallow is okay for them. It"s not.
You may be A24 _______ to buy someone"s product through advertising, false claims or promises of value. But much of the food is as worthless as eating crushed bricks. Far more ill health can be traced to what people eat than you might expect. The greatest A25 _______ to your health on this planet is not the increase of nuclear weapons, it is processed foods!
There is more devitalized worthless "food" A26 _______ to people today than real, authentic food that is necessary for our sustenance; and we have the food manufacturers to thank.
We use the term "processed food" so routinely that for many of us it has come to A27 _______ "just another kind of food". Understand what it really means.
Processing is the practice of taking a perfectly good food, one that contains the nutrients necessary to prolong life, stripping it of anything of value and then offering it for sale. Understand that when the word "processed" is used, it A28 _______ to procedures that undermine your health. It is a term that you can easily and accurately interchange with the word "destroyed".

1) draws 2) devotes 3) attracts 4) deserves

1) confident 2) aware 3) familiar 4) accustomed

1) forced 2) convinced 3) required 4) obliged

1) risk 2) warning 3) precaution 4) threat

1) suggested 2) proposed 3) offered 4) meant

1) represent 2) apply 3) refer 4) relate

1) defines 2) refers 3)concerns 4) determines

ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Грамматика и лексика. Романова Л.И.

М.: 2010 . - 224 с.

Данное пособие содержит тренировочные тестовые задания для подготовки к третьему разделу ЕГЭ по английскому языку «Грамматика и лексика». Задачей экзаменационного теста в данном разделе является проверка навыков использования грамматического и лексического материала в текстах с коммуникативной направленностью. Тесты составлены в соответствии со спецификацией, разработанной Федеральным институтом педагогических измерений, и включают три типа заданий: задание базового уровня, проверяющее грамматические навыки, задание повышенного уровня, проверяющее словообразовательные навыки, и задание высокого уровня, проверяющее лексические навыки.

Книга адресована учителям, которые могут использовать на занятиях в классе как отдельные задания из тестов, так и целые тесты, чтобы учащиеся получили представление о форме проведения ЕГЭ и необходимый опыт работы для его успешной сдачи. Учащиеся могут использовать данное пособие независимо оттого, учатся они в выпускном классе или хотят начать подготовку к экзамену раньше.

Четкая структура и простое оформление позволят как учащемуся, так и учителю использовать пособие в соответствии со своими индивидуальными потребностями. Наличие ключей будет удобно для самостоятельной работы учащихся.

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Предисловие 3
Часть первая. Демонстрационный вариант ЕГЭ по английскому языку 9
Раздел 1. Аудирование 9
Раздел 2. Чтение 13
Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика 19
Раздел 4. Письмо 22
Приложение 1. Тексты для аудирования 24
Приложение 2. Ответы 30
Часть вторая. Грамматика и лексика (Задания В4-В10). 32
Часть третья. Грамматика и лексика (Задания В11-В16) 69
Часть четвертая. Грамматика и лексика (Задания А22-А28) 108
Приложение 1. Словообразование. Префиксы 151
Приложение 2. Словообразование. Орфография 154
Приложение 3. Словообразование. Суффиксы 159
Суффиксы существительного 159
Суффиксы прилагательного 173
Суффикс наречия 184
Суффиксы глагола 188
Приложение 4. Фразовые глаголы 191
Часть пятая. Ключи 206
